Autumn Term 2023
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school for a new year. The adults in Bees class are Mrs Forde, Mrs Watson and Mrs Walker. Mrs Watson will be with us every morning and Mrs Walker is in class on a Monday afternoon. Mrs How is also very excited that she will be teaching RE to Bees Class on a Thursday afternoon. We are also very lucky to have two volunteers in Bees Class; Mrs Harley will be joining us on a Tuesday afternoon and Mr Baron on a Friday afternoon.
In English we will be reading lots of exciting books, beginning with an adapted version of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. We are learning how to write a biography and then a narrative based on our class text.
In Bees Class we want to encourage a love of reading so we do ask that children read daily at home and record this in their reading records. If your child is on a reading scheme still, please read with them every day. If your child is a free reader we would recommend you still read with them 2-3 times a week and record this in their reading record. Please also ensure your child has their book and reading record in school every day as we will be wanting to hear them read too.
We will also be sending home weekly spelling lists ready for a spelling test on Monday. Please practice spellings on the given ‘Look, Cover, Write’ sheet and on a scrap piece of paper. Please do not practice their spelling in their spelling books.
In Maths we will begin the school year focusing on place value. Year 3 will be looking at numbers up to 1000 and yr4 will be extending their knowledge to learn about 4 digit numbers.
For the rest of the term yr4 will think about time, times tables, rounding and arithmetic. Yr3 will focus on adding and subtracting, money and measures and fractions.
Children will begin to engage with Complete Maths Tutor on iPads at school. For Maths homework this year, children will be expected to complete assigned work on Tutor each week as part of their homework. An email will go out when this begins.
Foundation Subjects
In Science this term, we will be learning about the human body including muscles, the skeletal system and the nervous system. After half term, the children will be learning about the classification of plants and animals.
With Mrs How, the children will be learning about Judaism in R.E. focusing particularly on symbols and stories. They will then think about Christianity and how Christians believe Jesus is Saviour.
In History we will be learning about Ancient Greeks for the whole of the autumn term.
Our Geography unit will be Spatial Sense particularly focusing on reading maps and our local area. We then will move on to think about Mediterranean Europe.
In Art we will be exploring the use of light in drawings and paintings before we consider the use of space.
This year we will be learning Latin for our language.
Online safety
The children have be given passwords for their PurpleMash and Times Table Rockstars. In computing lessons, we will be learning about e-safety and one of the first messages we teach is about keeping your passwords secure. As we live in an ever changing world, e-safety for families is very important and we recommend to parents to visit the for any top tips and advice.
We do daily physical exercise such as the Daily Mile. We will also do PE once a week. The children will need to come to school in a full PE kit with trainers, please refer to the school uniform policy for exact details. PE will take place on a Tuesday.
Other information
The children will be learning to play the recorder this year with Mrs Walker. This will take place on a Monday so please make sure their recorder and recorder book are both in school on this day. Please also make sure your child has time to practise during the week. It is really important that recorders and music are named!
During this term the children will be outside as much as possible which means they will be playing outside during playtime even when it is raining. It is therefore essential that children have waterproof coats, wellies and even waterproof trousers if there is even the small chance of rain. These must be named.
If you have any questions or concerns please do speak to me or email the office.
Mrs Forde
Class Teacher: Mrs Forde
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Watson
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Thriplow Church Of England Primary School
Tel: 01763 208213
Our Headteacher is Mrs Lucy How.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Victoria Hirst
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Liz Moore
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School Lane
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