P.E lessons are an integral part of the teaching and learning at Thriplow Primary School. We firmly believe that progress and success in this subject enables children to reach their potential across the wider curriculum. Core values such as perseverance, teamwork, learning from mistakes and “going the extra mile” inform the way P.E is taught here.
Within KS2 and where possible, the P.E curriculum is planned around interschool competitions, as are the free clubs which happen after school and during lunchtimes. Annual KS2 competitions include Gymnastics, table tennis, Cross Country Running, Football, Netball and Cricket. We feel it is important that children learn towards a goal so that lessons are filled with purpose, excitement and the will to improve.
Aside from training for competitive events, pupils enjoy lessons such as creative dance, country dancing, rounders, tag rugby, hockey, tennis and athletics. The range of our curriculum seeks to promote inclusivity, where every child can find their special talent. However it also provides challenges, so that pupils are taken out of their comfort zone to discover confidence and ability they never knew they had!
The highlight of the school year for P.E is our whole school Sports Day in June. Every child takes part in this event. Competitive races provide pupils with the opportunity both to support one another and to win or lose graciously.
Thriplow Church Of England Primary School
Tel: 01763 208213
Email: office@thriplow.cambs.sch.uk
Our Headteacher is Mrs Lucy How.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Victoria Hirst
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Liz Moore
School Address:
School Lane
DEMAT Office Address:
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