Thriplow School PTA is a volunteer-led charity which aims to raise funds to improve and enhance the educational and social experiences of Thriplow Primary School children, their teachers and their families.
We meet once twice a term and every member family is welcome to attend the meetings.
Throughout the year the PTA work hard to raise funds through events such as cake sales, ice cream sales, movie nights, Christmas Hampers, Quizes and other similar social events. We also work hard to host ‘one off’ events including an Auction of Promises, a virtual fun run, a Gin Tasting evening, an evening event at a local Brewery and a geo-caching Easter Egg hunt to name but some of the events in recent years!
The PTA not only host fundraising events, but seek to galvanise the parent-body to give time to improve the school fabric through regular ‘clear up’ days and painting events.
Thriplow is a wonderful small rural school and we are very fortunate to receive significant support from the local community beyond the parent body including local residents, local businesses and grant giving bodies.
We are really grateful to the significant support we receive from the whole school community which has helped to generate funds for the many projects in recent years.
Meet the Committee
Every family at Thriplow Primary School is automatically a member of the PTA. Thriplow School PTA is run by a volunteer group, headed by the Core Committee.
Chair- Meghan Bonner
Meghan is the current Chair of Thriplow School PTA. Meghan is responsible for overseeing the charity activities.
Treasurer- Dave Aston
Dave is the current Treasurer of Thriplow School PTA. Dave is responsible for overseeing the charity's finances.
Secretary- Helen Joyce
Helen is the current Secretary of Thriplow School PTA. Helen is responsible for the administration of the charity.
The PTA communicates with parents through the weekly school newsletter, the PTA page on the school website and a closed FaceBook notice board. The FaceBook notice board is for information only and not for the sharing of opinions; any comments that are considered offensive or that do not comply will be removed. All questions and specific comments or concerns must be directed through the school office and not posted on the FaceBook page. All meeting minutes are posted to the school website as soon as they are published.
The PTA can be contacted at
Thriplow PTA Projects
We are really grateful for the significant support we receive from the whole school community which has helped to generate funds for the following projects in recent years.
We are currently raising money:
Thriplow Church Of England Primary School
Tel: 01763 208213
Our Headteacher is Mrs Lucy How.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Victoria Hirst
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Liz Moore
School Address:
School Lane
DEMAT Office Address:
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